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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


New model and text import methods:Import models directly into your drawings. Use the new model import features to view, manipulate and annotate 3D CAD models right within your 2D drawings. (video: 8:50 min.)Multiuser drawing:With the new Multiuser drawing feature, you and your team can work simultaneously on the same AutoCAD drawing. Use the new collaborative tools to mark up multiple users' work and keep track of changes, all in one place. (video: 2:54 min.)Freehand tooling:Get creative with 3D modeling and 2D drawing with the new freehand tooling feature. Enjoy limitless, unlimited sketching and editing with the freehand tools in all of your CAD drawings. (video: 1:50 min.)Widows and spline fields:Manipulate and edit spline curves using the new spline field display and editing tools. Move and modify spline lines to create new spline segments or edit existing spline segments in your drawings. (video: 2:00 min.)Distinguish among spline handles:See a list of spline handles to quickly tell if a spline segment is a closed end, open end, or point. (video: 1:14 min.)Ink and WordArt:Write text and draw graphics on objects using the Ink and WordArt tools. Write text with the Ink tool to create outlines, arrows, text fields and text boxes. Draw graphics with the WordArt tool to create strokes, lines, arrows, ellipses, and text boxes. (video: 1:47 min.)Connect objects:Connecting objects allows you to combine multiple components into a single drawing element. Use the Connect Objects command to combine components into 3D models. Or, create collections of connected objects for quick reference. (video: 1:56 min.)Advanced 2D:Apply powerful and intuitive drawing techniques to your drawings. Use advanced drawing techniques such as mirroring, overlaying and multiple layers. New 2D features include a Visible Mesh for faster 3D placement and animation and the new drawing plane handling commands. (video: 1:30 min.)Updated Layers:Layers provide the means for better organized drafting. With the new layers feature, you can now organize drawings based on scope and group 2be273e24d


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